We want to build a community that lives in harmony and PEACE.


We promote RUGBY's values through awareness raising actions, training, and high impact events production;

Encounters for peace

A meeting and improvement tool that uses the values of rugby to overcome all types of borders.


With our campaign #YoRespeto ('I respect') we become visible the noble and honest people that we want to live in peace.

Training values (Instruction)

Conferences and musical comedies for young people, in educational institutions and clubs.

Social Rugby (Instruction)

Social inclusion for girls and boys in order to achieve a change in attitude, assuming the leading role and leadership of their lives.


  • 10 years promoting values

    In a night of emotions and encounter Rugby Without Borders celebrated its 10 years of life together with the people who make this dream possible every day. Presence of important personalities, acknowledgments to Julián Weich and Hernán Rojas, a tango show and an ending with the energy of a great team that shows every day that everything is possible.

  • Come celebrate the 10 years of Rugby Sin Fronteras!

    On Friday, June 7 at 8:30 p.m. in the Darwin Space of the Hipódromo de San Isidro, the Foundation will hold its annual fundraising dinner as part of the celebrations for its 10th anniversary.

  • A fun photo session with the girls of Qompi Rugby

    As part of the first tour of the girls of Qompi Rugby, we made a fun photo session with the historic photographer of Rugby Sin Fronteras, Gonzalo Prados. We invite you to look at the gallery!

  • The girls of Qompi Rugby met Buenos Aires.

    On Tuesday April 30, 2019 began a tour that marked a before and after in the history of Formose women's rugby team and essentially in the lives of girls who mostly visited the capital of Argentina for the first time.

  • Mirá gratis el documental de Rugby Sin Fronteras en Cine.Ar Play

    Desde hoy podrás ver de manera gratuita nuestro documental “El camino del Encuentro” por CINE.AR PLAY, la plataforma de video on demand gratuita del INCAA.

  • 700 young people enjoyed the musical MANDELA: "the road to freedom"

    The work, which we premiered in 2017 together with Generarte, has already been seen by more than 7 thousand spectators and aims to demonstrate that sport is a great tool for meeting and improving.

  • The M15 of Qompi Rugby met Buenos Aires

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  • The All Blacks trained together with the boys and girls of Qompi Rugby and González Catán

    In a day organized by UNICEF and Rugby Sin Fronteras, more than 20 boys and girls of the aboriginal community Qom from Formosa and González Catán fulfilled the dream of sharing a rugby clinic with players of the All Blacks, the national rugby team of New Zealand.

  • A journey of inspiration to change your own reality

    The U18 boys and the first division Qompi Rugby club visited the city of Buenos Aires as part of the Rugby Social program that Rugby Sin Fronteras (Rugby Without Borders) leads. This tour meant a before and after in the lives of young people from the Formosa province and in the history of the Foundation.

  • María José Maestu es la nueva presidenta de Rugby Sin Fronteras

    En una hermosa noche y rodeada de afectos, la madrina y pilar fundamental de la Fundación, recibió la presidencia de manos de Juan Bautista Segonds, fundador de éste proyecto que nació en el año 2009.


    • The Christian Family Movement distinguished Rugby Sin Fronteras

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    • Rugby Sin Fronteras received the distinction "Social Responsibility in Sport"

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    • Rugby Sin Fronteras selected with UEFA and FC Chelsea as "Foundation of the year 2015"

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    • The Rotary Club Victoria honored Rugby Sin Fronteras

      We are working on the new content of the website. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • "Sentido de la vida" award

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    • Juan Bautista Segonds was named Ambassador of AFS 2015

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    • "Mercurio de Oro" award

      We are working on the new content of the website. Sorry for the inconvenience.